Creativity key to career hapiness

6 januari 2010

The doctor beats the famous footballer and movie star. Yet, in the overall score creative occupations are the most wanted ‘dream jobs’.

A recent survey by Creative and Cultural Skills (one of 25 industry-specific sector skills councils in the UK) shows that of over 2,000 employees almost a third specified some type of creative career as their dream job when they were kids.

However, only 11 percent have actually realised their creative ambitions.

To further dramatise the course of many careers, 44 percent state that their current jobs are ‘not at all’ creative. Almost two-thirds of the respondents would like the chance to be more creative in their profession. It is interesting to note that becoming an actor or a movie star scores high among dream jobs in childhood, whereas the adults seem to settle for being a film director.

For CCSkills the findings support efforts to introduce a series of Creative Apprenticeships that would make it easier for people to realise their ‘dream career’ in creative industries.

I always like rankings. So here are the top ten dream jobs for kids and the top ten for adults:

Top 10 dream jobs for kids

  1. Doctor/nurse
  2. Vet
  3. Footballer (soccer-player)
  4. Teacher
  5. Actor/movie star
  6. Writer
  7. Dancer/ballerina
  8. Pilot
  9. Pop star
  10. Astronaut

Top 10 dream jobs for adults

  1. Writer
  2. Teacher
  3. Landscape gardener
  4. Paramedic
  5. Photographer
  6. Police officer
  7. Physiotherapist
  8. Movie director
  9. Restaurant owner
  10. Musician

Read more about the survey here.

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