KL and the Helsinki Challenge

On September 26th the seven finalist teams of the Helsinki Challenge will meet in Brussels for a Global Impact Camp. It’s a two-day intensive co-creation session focusing on societal impact of research, funding and collaboration with international experts and EU decision-makers.

Helsinki Challenge

Helsinki Challenge is a science-based idea competition in which teams of scientists from ten Finnish universities work on solutions that help humankind reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Maker: Helsinki Challenge

Rechten: Alle rechten voorbehouden

21 september 2017

On September 26th the seven finalist teams of the Helsinki Challenge++Helsinki ChallengeA science-based idea competition in which teams of scientists from ten Finnish universities work on solutions that help humankind reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Read more will meet in Brussels for a Global Impact Camp. It’s a two-day intensive co-creation session focusing on societal impact of research, funding and collaboration with international experts and EU decision-makers.

Kennisland’s Nora van der Linden is part of the expert panel on grand societal challenges and science impact. She will also be a mentor to four of the finalist teams.

The Helsinki Challenge finalists are:

  • ELMO which battles malaria with a novel type of mosquito net;
  • HeatStock with a new solution for storing summer heat for the winter;
  • POCKit, a laboratory you can put in your pocket;
  • Parental Box, a toolkit  focusing on the mental wellbeing of new parents;
  • iCombine, a database enabling personalised cancer treatments;
  • Dlearn.Helsinki which hopes to teach global skills in new ways;
  • FutuRena, which hopes to 3D-print a working miniature kidney.

The Helsinki Challenge culminates on November 24th when a prize of 375K euros will be awarded to the winners.

Deze tekst heeft een Creative Commons Naamsvermelding-licentie (CC BY) en is gekopieerd van de Kennisland-website. Ga voor de volledige versie met afbeeldingen, streamers en noten naar https://www.kl.nl/nieuws/kl-helsinki-challenge/

This text has a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) and has been copied from the Kennisland website. For a full version with images, streamers and notes go to https://www.kl.nl/nieuws/kl-helsinki-challenge/