The Advisory Board consists of people who have earned their spurs in one or more of the areas in which Kennisland operates. They keep us on our toes, are ambassadors of our thinking and share their networks with us. Its current members are:
The Advisory Board consists of people who have earned their spurs in one or more of the areas in which Kennisland operates. They keep us on our toes, are ambassadors of our thinking and share their networks with us. Its current members are:
Professor of strategy for non-profit organisations at the TIAS School for Business & Society | Tilburg University
Marc is professor of strategy for non-profit organisations at the TIAS School for Business & Society at Tilburg University.
His previous positions include director of IVA Policy Research and professor/director of the Ruud de Moor Centre at the Open University. He combines his (applied) scientific work with supervisory and advisory work in the public and non-profit sectors.
Photo: Giorgos Gripeos (CC BY)
Business director Jewish Cultural Quarter
Liesbeth is business director of the Jewish Cultural Quarter. Under her responsibility are the Jewish Museum, the Portuguese Synagogue, the Hollandsche Schouwburg and the Holocaust Museum. She made the transition from the sustainability sector to the cultural sector and has gained extensive experience in both the profit and non-profit sectors.
Photo: Giorgos Gripeos (CC BY)
Vice-president of the National Youth Council and chairman of Bureau Burgerberaad (citizens' council)
Benito is vice-president of the National Youth Council with a special focus on youth participation. He is a member of the SER Youth Platform and chairman of Bureau Burgerberaad (citizens’ council). He strives for a liveable world for young people and future generations. With this in mind, he co-founded Youth for Climate.
Sector administrator FNV Young & United / Secretary National Network Diversity & Inclusion PvdA / Project leader Student Affairs Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Elijah is sector administrator at FNV Young & United, secretary at the National Network Diversity & Inclusion at PvdA and project leader Student Affairs at Hogeschool Amsterdam.
“You cannot live under the illusion that we are not connected” is a quote by Cameroonian political scientist and philosopher Achille Mbembe and Elijah’s motto. It upholds his inexhaustible motivation for the public cause. He is committed to a socially just society, where we act on the belief that we are connected.
His multidisciplinary view through his background in education, politics and public administration make him a strategist on complex political-administrative issues, with an eye for the human dimension.
Photo: Adelaide Rosina
Director of SIDN Fund and Special Professor of Digital Technology and Social Change at Leiden University
She is director of the SIDN Fund and Special Professor of Digital Technology and Social Change at Leiden University.
She is active nationally and internationally at the intersection of media, technology, innovation and creativity.
Photo: All rights reserved
Parliamentary leader Labour Party (PvdA) in Eerste Kamer
Mei Li Vos is parliamentary leader for the Labour Party (PvdA) in the Eerste Kamer.
She has known Kennisland since its foundation in the late 1990s. At the time, Mei Li worked as a researcher for the think tank Infodrome, which researched the role of information technology for the government.
Photo: Neeltje de Vries
Nurse and professor of Acute Elderly Care
Prof. Dr. Bianca Buurman is a nurse and professor of Acute Elderly Care at the Amsterdam UMC. Within this research line, research is being done into the emergence of acute care needs of the elderly and ways to organise care differently, to achieve better outcomes for the elderly. The focus has increasingly shifted to data-driven working and the development of data-driven healthcare policy. Bianca is also chairman of the professional association of Nurses and Caregivers in the Netherlands (V&VN).
Photo: O. Gillissen
Activist writer and administrative advisor in Amsterdam Nieuw-West
After six years of working for GroenLinks in the Tweede Kamer, he is now an activist writer. Among others of the autobiographical Djinn and theater production Milk & Dates.
He is also an administrative advisor in Amsterdam Nieuw-West.
Photo: Lisa Zilver (All rights reserved)
Associate professor of political science and co-theme-leader 'Diverse Europe' group of Amsterdam Center for European Studies (UvA)
Liza Mügge is associate professor of political science and co-theme-leader of the ‘Diverse Europe’ group of the Amsterdam Center for European Studies at the University of Amsterdam. Liza is passionate about teaching and academic research on pressing political questions about representation, diversity, intersectionality, gender equality, social security and transnationalism.
She regularly translates her scientific knowledge to a wider audience in interviews, lectures and popular scientific texts. She is co-founder of the international academic journal European Journal of Politics & Gender.
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This text has a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) and has been copied from the Kennisland website. For a full version with images, streamers and notes go to