Nora van der Linden leaves Kennisland

“Being the director of Kennisland is perhaps the best job in the world.” But innovation also depends on change. After twelve years at Kennisland, of which six as director, Nora has announced her departure. While we will miss her greatly, we also look forward to seeing what new leadership can bring to Kennisland.

Nora van der Linden

Maker: Giorgos Gripeos


11 November 2022

Nora and Kimon Moerbeek both joined the Kennisland board in June 2017 and took over as co-directors following the departure of Paul Keller in 2019. Nora has been solely responsible for the leadership of KL since early 2020.

“The past few years have been very enlightening, inspiring and challenging. I can look back on all we have achieved with a great deal of pride and satisfaction. We have a strong team and have launched many successful projects that have contributed to social progress. It’s now time to move over and allow a new leader to guide Kennisland into the next phase. The merger with CAOP offers many opportunities and KL’s added value to society remains clear.”

Under Nora’s leadership, Kennisland has increasinglyUnder Nora’s leadership, Kennisland has increasingly prioritised topics, projects and partnerships that focus on equal opportunities, equality and inclusivity. prioritised topics, projects and partnerships that focus on equal opportunities, equality and inclusivity.++InclusivityKennisland was founded with the objective of putting social innovation and the knowledge society on the map – and we have succeeded. We increasingly focus on what that innovation delivers and for whom (not just for the happy few). We rely on the knowledge and experience of people closest to the problem, such as teachers, nurses and residents, but also policymakers, politicians and scientists. With Nora at the helm, Kennisland has also become an organisation that practises what it preaches. We have improved our approach to providing a safe and supportive working environment, inclusive working and mental health.

During the past twelve years, Nora has been part of many major changes at Kennisland, including the departure from Spring House, the move to the Marineterrein district and the merger with the CAOP.++MergerBy joining forces with CAOP, we are in a better position to realise our ambitions, for example because we can scale up and expand successful projects more easily. Philip Geelkerken, managing director of CAOP: 

“I’m really thankful to Nora for all she has done for Kennisland through the years. We will continue on the same course and expand our projects to make an even greater impact on society. We will of course miss Nora and wish her all the best for the future.”

In the coming months, Nora will still be present at Kennisland and will pass on as much knowledge and experience as possible to the rest of the team. She will finish working in January.

Kennisland is looking for a new director. View the vacancy here (in Dutch only).

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