New in our Advisory Board: Bianca Buurman
Prof. Dr. Bianca Buurman is a nurse and professor of Acute Elderly Care at the Amsterdam University Medical Center (UMC). Within this line of research, research is being done into the emergence of acute care needs of the elderly and ways to organise care differently, so that this leads to better outcomes for the elderly. We are very happy with the knowledge, practical experience and the large network that Bianca brings with her. We hope to learn a lot from her!
Bianca Buurman and her team at Amsterdam UMC are also working on the shift from hospital care to the so-called WijkKliniek++WijkkliniekA new care concept for frail elderly people who are normally admitted to hospital due to acute medical problems. It offers hospital treatment and recovery for frail elderly people in the acute phase in their own neighbourhood. Read more (in Dutch) (Neighbourhood Clinic) and on better support and recovery after hospital admissions, such as ambulatory geriatric rehabilitation and optimising primary care stays. Interestingly, the focus is increasingly shifting to data-driven working and the development of data-driven healthcare policy.
Bianca is also chairman of the professional association of Nurses and Caregivers in the Netherlands (V&VN). Combining scientific knowledge with knowledge from practice provides the perfect breeding ground for innovation.