All rights reserved

All rights reserved means that you need to ask permission of the rights holder before you reuse a work.

All texts on the Kennisland website are available under a Creative Commons Attribution license++AttributionRead what the CC BY license means.. This means that anyone can (re)use them for whatever purpose or medium, as long as our name is mentioned plus a link to the license. Please also mention if there have been made modifications to the original.

Kennisland provides permission per image on its website. We use Creative Commons licenses++Creative CommonsTake a look at whenever possible to enable reuse. When the use of Creative Commons licenses is not an option, we have obtained permission from the copyright holder to use the image.

Images from which all rights are reserved can be downloaded for personal use only and you may also link to them. In most cases you may not use such images on your website, social media, or in a publication, unless you have explicit permission from the rights holder.

We take great care in obtaining permission before we use in-copyright works. If you think we wrongfully used your work, please contact us at

Deze tekst heeft een Creative Commons Naamsvermelding-licentie (CC BY) en is gekopieerd van de Kennisland-website. Ga voor de volledige versie met afbeeldingen, streamers en noten naar

This text has a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) and has been copied from the Kennisland website. For a full version with images, streamers and notes go to