Creative Business Models

How do creatives form their business models, what are the challenges they face and which surprising sources of income do they encounter?

2007 - 2008

Kennisland developed this research project in 2007, in collaboration with Premsela, platform for Dutch design and fashion.

In 2007 and 2008, discussions took place with several high-profile (and mainly Dutch) creative agencies like Droog Design, Bugaboo, Royal Tichelaar and Rem Koolhaas’s OMA. How did they form their business models, what are the challenges they faced and which surprising sources of income did they encounter? The project was additionally funded by the Dutch ministry of Education, Culture and Science, and the Dutch ministry of Economic Affairs. As for the content, the study was monitored by an interdisciplinary feedback group of academics.

Around June 2008 the research activities were concluded with an internal working paper. Currently a book is being composed based on this paper, about earning money in the creative industry.

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This text has a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) and has been copied from the Kennisland website. For a full version with images, streamers and notes go to