Conference Labs for System Change

A gathering of the world’s leading lab practitioners and thinkers will share, develop and capture knowledge of global lab practices to gain a better understanding of what constitutes a good lab and its approaches.

15 May 2014

Following Lab2, Joeri van den Steenhoven, former chair of Kennisland and now director of the Canadian MaRS Solutions Lab, is organizing the conference LABS FOR SYSTEM CHANGE on the 26th of May in Toronto, Canada.

A gathering of the world’s leading lab practitioners and thinkers will share, develop and capture knowledge of global lab practices to gain a better understanding of what constitutes a good lab and its approaches. Among them are: Chris Sigaloff (Kennisland), Geoff Mulgan (Nesta), Christian Bason (Mindlab), Sarah Schulman (InWithForward) and Chris Vanstone (TACSI).

Around the world public and social innovation labs are increasingly seen as vehicles to create system change. They convene stakeholders from across society to develop, test and scale new solutions to social problems. Labs help governments to collaborate with society in solving these problems. They support public and social innovation on the local, national and global level.

The conference is open for public registration. Please register via Eventbrite, tickets are limited.

If you can not attend in-person, the conference will be entirely live-streamed online.

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