Converging pathways to new knowledge

Which role can the cultural heritage sector assume in the creating and sharing of knowledge within the new digital paradigm?

22 April 2010

Which questions are raised when the cultural heritage sector is confronted with an increased digital technology-dominated world? And which role can the sector play in building and sharing knowledge within the new digital paradigm?

LabforCulture in collaboration with Kennisland addressed these questions and organised a series of online debates and a European roundtable conference in Göteborg in 2009 which was attended by thinkers and pioneers from the cultural sector.

A reflection of the results of these conversations is available as a publication. In ‘Converging Pathways to New Knowledge’ Martijn Arnoldus brings together a variety of questions, thoughts and solutions for the heritage sector.

Furthermore, the publication contains contributions of Ken Arnold (Wellcome Trust, UK), Olivier Schulbaum (Platoniq, Spain) and Floor van Spaendonck (Het Nieuwe Instituut, NL).

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