Kennisland X-rayed
We are dedicated to social innovation and access to knowledge and information, for an inclusive, fair and social society. That's why we believe it’s important to examine ourselves critically too. How do we score when it comes to the principles we promote?
For example, what is the gender ratio at Kennisland? Are there income disparities between the sexes? Where do our employees come from? And what is our environmental impact? By understanding this, we can actively work towards improvement.
In 2016, a total of 22 people worked at Kennisland, of whom fifteen were women and seven were men. Six interns worked at the company in 2016, of whom one was a man. In 2016 our board consisted of one man and one woman, and our management team of two men and one woman. Our supervisory board consisted of one man and three women. In 2016, women at KL earned an average of 3% more than men; this calculation compensates for employees’ age but not for work experience or position.
89% of our staff have a academic degree89% of our staff have a master’s degree. and 22% a degree from the university of applied sciences (some have both). Two-thirds of the Kennisland staff have one or more parents with a higher education background. The average age was 33 years. The youngest employee in 2016 was 24, the oldest 53. Six KL staff had a total of eleven children in 2016. The staff of Kennisland had worked for the company for an average of slightly more than four years at the end of 2016.
All staff were Dutch citizens in 2016, and two had dual nationality. 73% of the staff lived in Amsterdam, and 55% owned their house. The most common province of birth was North-Holland (39%). Half of the Kennisland staff had a migration backgroundHalf of the Kennisland staff had a migration background., of which a third had a non-western++Non-westernWe use the CBS (Statistics Netherlands) definition: ‘Person with at least one parent born abroad.’ Non-western countries of origin are Turkey and all countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia, with the exception of Japan and Indonesia: strange but true! background.
72% of the staff of Kennisland usually travelled to work by bicycle, 11% by train and 17% by bicycle and train. In total, we flew internationally within Europe seventy times (return = 1 time), and eleven times outside Europe. We took the train abroad a total of 41 times. Our office, Spring House, uses green energy from Engie Energie.