
Slimmernetwerk (‘Smarter Network’) is a network of innovators from the Government, provinces, municipalities, water boards and police.

2010 - 2014

Slimmernetwerk (‘Smarter Network’) is a network of innovators from the Government, provinces, municipalities, water boards and police. Slimmernetwerk aims to connect innovators, managers and professionals, in order to collect and spread expertise about smarter government strategies. More and more civil servants with innovative ideas are joining us. The network is more than just talk; where possible, there is action.

Slimmernetwerk consists of four components: the online network, Do Tanks, Slimmernetwerk Cafés and the Knowledge Network. The online network on LinkedIn, Work smarter in the public sector, is the digital community centre. More than 2500 innovators share knowhow, ventilate opinions and start discussions on ‘work smarter’-issues. It is also a platform for the Do Tanks. The Do Tanks are groups of active innovators from different public sectors, who are actively investigating a current issue. They explore the existing questions and, together with a coach, develop solution-focused strategies. As we speak, ten Do tanks are operational in different stages. In the Slimmernetwerk Cafés all members of Slimmernetwerk are invited to step up for some ‘live’ inspiration, to share knowledge and to contribute to the Do Tanks. In the Knowledge Network, knowledge from different perspectives and fields is developed and combined to accomplish a smarter working public sector.

Sustainable innovation from within

In short, Slimmernetwerk is a platform where people, knowhow and inspiration about working smarter come together. Our aim is to generate smart ideas. However, smart alone is not good enough. A good idea is only as good as its realisation. For this we need sustainable innovation from within: professionals from the public sector who venture out to explore smarter ways of working. This requires space and support. Slimmernetwerk aims to enable and support innovators to operate optimally. Only thus can we smarten up our government, not just for now, but also for the future.

Slimmernetwerk is executed by a consortium of Kennisland, Kafkabrigade and TNO and supported by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom relations.


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This text has a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) and has been copied from the Kennisland website. For a full version with images, streamers and notes go to