Images of the Past – 7 years of Images for the Future

Over a period of seven years Sound and Vision, EYE Film Institute, the National Archives and Kennisland preserved over 90,000 hours of video, 20,000 hours of film, some 100,000 hours of audio and 2,500,000 photos. Read all about it in this publication.

Images of the Past

Maker: Images for the Future


23 March 2015

Images for the Future has played a pioneering role in both the development of large-scale digitisation processes and the thinking on the role of heritage organisations in our digital society.

The digitised material is now being reused for numerous purposes, from lesson material and Wikipedia to apps and services for the creative industry.

Below you see the closing event of Images for the Future. Sandra den Hamer hands the final publication to Marjan Hammersma.
Brewster Kahle (oprichter Internet Archive)Brewster Kahle (oprichter Internet Archive)Brewster Kahle (oprichter Internet Archive)Martijn KleppeChriet Titulaer met beeldtelefoon op fietsValerie FrissenJan MüllerVoorzitter Raad voor Cultuur Joop Daalmeijer
Beelden voor de Toekomst eindevent

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Deze tekst heeft een Creative Commons Naamsvermelding-licentie (CC BY) en is gekopieerd van de Kennisland-website. Ga voor de volledige versie met afbeeldingen, streamers en noten naar

This text has a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) and has been copied from the Kennisland website. For a full version with images, streamers and notes go to